linux mount windows文件大写变小写的解决

在Linux OS下mount Windows的文件系统后,进入/mnt目录查看,发现windows的文件夹和文件名都由大写字母变成了小写字母,而在Linux下是严格区分大小写的。 查阅资料后发现在Linux OS下mount Windows disk时需要加一选项。如下
[cc lang=”bash”]mount -t vfat -o shortname=winnt /dev/sda7 /mnt/winF/[/cc]
关于 -o shortname的更多可以参考下面的
[cc lang=”bash”]shortname=[lower|win95|winnt|mixed]

Defines the behaviour for creation and display of filenames which fit into
8.3 characters. If a long name for a file exists, it will always be pre-
ferred display. There are four modes:

lower Force the short name to lower case upon display; store a long name
when the short name is not all upper case.

win95 Force the short name to upper case upon display; store a long name
when the short name is not all upper case.

winnt Display the shortname as is; store a long name when the short name is
not all lower case or all upper case.

mixed Display the short name as is; store a long name when the short name
is not all upper case.

The default is “lower”.[/cc]

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